A few weeks ago I found out about Once Upon A Time VIII, a three month reading challenge hosted by Carl @ Stainless Steel Droppings. And of course it's taken me this long to write up a post about it (aka make a commitment). The challenge runs from March 21 through June 21, and it encompasses 4 broad categories: Fairy Tale, Folklore, Fantasy and Mythology ("including the seemingly countless sub-genres and blending of genres that fall within this spectrum").
The challenge has multiple levels to which you can choose to commit. I have elected to get started with the first option *cue movie announcer voice*: The Journey. From the OUATVIII post:
This is really as simple as the name implies. It means you are participating, but not committing yourself to any specific number of books. By signing up for The Journey you are agreeing to read at least one book within one of the four categories during March 21st to June 21st period. Just one book. If you choose to read more, fantastic! If not, then we have still had the pleasure of your company during this three month reading journey and hopefully you have read a great book, met some interesting people, and enjoyed the various activities that occur during the challenge. It has always been of utmost importance to me that the challenges that I host be all about experiencing enjoyable literature and sharing it with others. I want you to participate. Hence, The Journey.
I went book shopping yesterday and by pure chance, bought two books that could easily fit into some of these categories. (Looks like I'll be Stacking the Shelves a little more frequently that once a month.) And, taking a look at my current TBR pile, I see a handful of contenders. However, I think I will take this opportunity to read (and COMPLETE - hopefully) A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2) by George R. R. Martin.
I'm currently reading The Amityville Horror, but I'll finish that soon (my reading is limited to daylight hours only - scary stuff!) and move on to the battle for the Iron Throne. (That's what it's about, right? I can't remember - it's been a year!)
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