Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon | Hour 12

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Aw, yeah, halfway there!!!  I am very sleepy - even thought it's only 7pm here.  

Currently reading: This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers.  The writing style on this is very...weird and I'm thinking I might switch books.  It's 1st person and very choppy sentences. 

Books finished: Same as before - just the one.
Running total pages read: 563
Total amount of time spent reading: 7.5 hours
Snacks: Had some Goldfish!


  1. Keep up the reading, you are doing great! #TeamWordsworth!

  2. Oh Courtney Summers... did you stick with it or change? I'd probably change, she makes me tired. ;-)

    You're doing great -- keep on going! #teamwordsworth

    1. I did end up changing, but then I went almost right back to it because I needed to find out how it ended. I'd be interested in seeing how any one of her other books reads. This was a zombie thing so I'd like to find out if I could make it through a non-zombie book with her writing style.

      Thanks for the cheers!

  3. I'm curious to know if you switched too! And goldish.. yum :) I like the chocolate goldfishes!

    1. I did end up switching to Conquest by John Connolly, but then I felt myself thinking about what's gonna happen in This is Not a Test (which is a zombie apocalypse novel) and THEN I started to get freaked out about zombies so I figured I should just finish the book and get it over with.
