Top Ten Tuesday #1 | Bookish Bucket List

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I'm always nervous to engage in a more regular posting schedule because I know I'm not gonna keep up with it - yikes!  But, here goes. 

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week, the topic is Top Ten Things On My Bookish Bucket List.  So let's see how it goes!

1. Attend BookExpo America!  I think this would be so fun and such a great experience for all book lovers.

2. Don't know how it's gonna happen, but one year I'd freaking love to read 100 books.  How sweet would that be?  The downside would be that they'd likely have to be short books which means I'll have to finish GoT way before that.

3. What a great segue into finishing A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin before I die.  I've read A Game of Thrones and now obviously I'm "reading" A Clash of Kings. It's been like a year.

4. I'd also like to re-read the entire Harry Potter series.

5. Buying a Kindle has always been on my Bookish Bucket List and I was able to purchase one at the beginning of this month!

6. Read a book that truly scares me.  I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying to give myself nightmares but...I'm kinda trying to give myself nightmares.

7. I'd like to go to a book signing (really any book signing).  That experience seems like it'd be cool.  Except I don't like waiting on line so.  We'll see.

8. Regular blog posting, anyone?

9. So, most of my "reviews" on here have been lame because, let's face it, most of the books I'm reading have been lame.  I'd like to read a nice piece of literature and write a well thought, nicely developed book review.

10. Uh. Read all the unread books I own?  A girl can dream, right?

What's on your bookish bucket list?


  1. You could probably read 100 books in a year if you read the GoT and then only shorter books haha! Those things are beasts! I've only read the first two. They're just so long!

    I love how this is a Top 10 Tuesday! You may also want to link up to the original Bookish Bucket List, too!

    1. Right? They're so daunting and they're...looming above me from their perch on my bookshelf with their thousands of pages.

      Thanks for the heads up I'll definitely check out that post!

  2. I'd love to read a book that scares me, I haven't found one yet! 100 books is my goal for this year and I've read 151 before so I should be able to mange it - I have too much time on my hands...

    ★ Under The Mountain ★

  3. #10 <-- This!! I'd love to be able to do that too! I have so many books I haven't read all over my house, I just need time to read them all. Great post, and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

  4. Hi Samantha,
    It's nice to see that we share many goals.
    I also really want to re-read the Harry Potter series, I haven't read them in English yet and want to so badly!
    Just became a new follower :)

    Myra @ I'm Loving Books
    here's my TTT:
