Finally Friday and Labor Day Read-a-Thon!

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Finally Friday, as it is every week, and yet there's always a point during the week where I think Friday might never come again.  But, here we are on the cusp of a holiday weekend and so, of course, everyone decides to "work" from home.  Except my team.  Here we are.  All four of us.

This week I finished The Boyfriend League and Labor of Love both by Rachel Hawthorne.  These are YA romance-y books (fluff, if you will) that took me about 3 hours each to read so it was easy to use them to boost up my progress for the Goodreads Challenge (as you can see, I'm still 7 books behind schedule...sigh). 

Tonight I'll be finishing Something About You by Julie James, another contemporary romance, what a surprise.

Labor Day Weekend Read-A-Thon!
Soooooo we've got ourselves a 3 day weekend here and since everyone and their mom will be down the shore, I'm going to stay in (maybe out on my deck) and read the shit out of my TBR books.  Here's what I'm choosing from:

I'm hoping to get through 5 of them done this weekend, but I imagine that will depend on which ones I choose.  I anticipate them all being fairly easy reads (expect for maybe Divergent), and I'll continue to read books like this until I'm on track for my Goodreads Challenge.  As much as I want to read the next book in A Song of Ice and Fire I really do NOT have room for it right now. 

Maybe as my December book.  Winter is coming, after all, right?

1 comment

  1. Winter is definitely coming!!!! You should read that ASAP. Also Divergent and Scarlet are awesome books so I highly recommend them for this weekend. I will be reading Fahrentheit 451 and The Night Circus.
